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Autumn Term Specialist Week

Dinosaur Week, 2022

Our annual Book Week in school did not disappoint this year! 

We spent an exciting week reading, sharing, writing and planning lots of dinosaur based stories with lots of opportunities to share some reading adventures outside of the classroom.  

Each class had a visit from the author Christian Darkin, who wrote the mystery adventure story ‘Act Normal and Don’t Tell Anyone About the Dinosaur in the Garden!’. During these workshop sessions, Christian shared some real life dino teeth and read aloud his wonderful stories. Our Key Stage Two children were lucky enough to plan and write a story with our visiting author! 

Later in the week we had a dinosaur dome visit the school, which told the fascinating story of the early prehistoric days. All the children were mesmerised by the show! Lots of the follow up activities and recounts of the week were based around the visits into the dome. 

To end an exciting week in school, we held a dinosaur party. This was a fantastic opportunity to see the children’s best explorer and dinosaur costumes and we even had a whole school dino dance. We can’t wait to find out what next year’s Book week offers us. 

Find Your Treasure 2021….

Our annual Book Week did not disappoint this year with our exciting, engaging theme of PIRATES!

We spent the week reading, writing, discussing, acting out and planning nautical, pirate stories and the children produced some high quality finished pieces.

During the week we were lucky enough to have some interactive activities planned outside the classroom and the children were happily discussing their experiences during their playtimes and lunchtimes. On the Monday we had the opportunity to read in the hall with another year group at our ‘Reading Breakfast’ and the children were given a wide range of pirate based books to read together whilst enjoying a delicious breakfast snack! The following day the children were rushing around the school grounds trying to solve the clues in the ‘Message in a Bottle’ scavenger hunt. At the end of the hunt, there was a special, golden coin treat for our little pirates. On Wednesday we welcomed children’s authors Liz Fost and Peter Bently into our school who both delivered some inspiring workshops to the children. Even our nursery children were joining in with the stories! We mustn’t forget the pirate themed bouncy castle that was also included for a very special treat.

Towards the end of the week the children enjoyed presenting pirate stories, sea shanties and poems to the rest of the school and we finished the week with a pirate party!

I think Book Week is always a great success in school but this could have maybe been our favourite one yet. Now we need to think of another fun idea ready for next year…..


Mrs Burns

'Once upon a time in Barleyhurst'
Book Week October 2020

This year our annual Book Week sadly wasn’t the usual, interactive week that we have all enjoyed over the years as the children needed to stay in their bubbles. Instead, this year the activities were more class based but still allowed the children to explore and share stories together.

Our theme was 'Once upon a time in Barleyhurst' and we obviously explored fairy tales! Staff planned a wonderful week of reading, planning, exploring, writing and enjoying texts! Some classes focused on one particular fairy tale and others delved into lots of different stories to explore.

Although there were no whole school activities this year we still wanted to offer the opportunity for the children to finish the week with our usual fancy dress Friday! As the theme was fairy tales, we saw lots of princesses, princes, woodcutters and ugly sisters around school and as a special treat, to replace our usual tea party on the Friday, we watched a fairy tale based film on the Friday afternoon in class.