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Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages (MfL) Curriculum Statement



In line with the National Curriculum, we will ensure that all children will:

 - Listen attentively to spoken language and repeat what they hear;

 - Use correct pronunciation and intonation;

 -  Explore the patterns and sounds of language;

 - Develop their vocabulary;

 - Understand  basic grammatical structures;

 -  Engage in conversations, role-play and asking and answering questions;

 - Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and writing;

 - Write words, phrases and sentences from memory.

At Barleyhurst Park Primary, we believe that every child should receive a high quality education in Mfl focusing on speaking, listening, comprehension and writing skills.  In our teaching of Mfl, we also aim to provide cross-curricular links reinforcing the knowledge, skills and understanding developed in other subjects.



The Mfl curriculum at Barleyhurst Park is based on the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum.  We use a scheme of work developed by a specialist teacher, which is regularly reviewed, evaluated and amended to ensure appropriate coverage and progression. The Mfl curriculum is delivered through a multitude of teaching strategies and resources:

- Each lesson includes revision, new learning, visual/auditory stimulus, conversation and/or writing

 - Differentiation is used to ensure all children can gain confidence and experience success

 - Topics are chosen to reflect the children’s interests

 - The curriculum covers the geography, culture and way of life of the country

 - The emphasis is on developing confidence in spoken language before writing

 -  In teaching grammar and vocabulary frequent references are made to the similarities and differences between English and the foreign language

 - Children are given an opportunity to work in pairs and small groups

 - Children learn the language through songs, games, role-play and stories

 - Visual and auditory resources are used regularly

 - Children are encouraged to continue learning at home though apps and websites

 - Formative assessment and informal tests twice a year are used to support teaching and they inform future planning



The teaching of Mfl at Barleyhurst Park will enable our pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing using their phonological, grammatical and vocabulary knowledge.  Learning a foreign language will foster pupils’ curiosity, promote diversity and deepen their knowledge and understanding of other cultures.  Our pupils will also have the foundation for learning further languages.