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School Values and Ethos

Our school values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

What does this look like in our school?

Be the best you can be!
Always try your hardest
Responsible for our actions
Learn and be confident
Encourage others
You should always be yourself
Use your initiative
Strive to achieve
Take pride in your work

Staff and pupils agree to our school values and ethos. We work together to provide a community with learning at its heart

Our philosophy underpins all the work we do. It is based on our belief in the importance of the education of the whole child. We seek to provide for the all-round growth of each child during each stage of their development. Our philosophy helps teachers plan and teach an appropriate curriculum based around the National Curriculum.

When a child leaves our school we believe we have equipped them with the enthusiasm and knowledge, skills and concepts, attitudes and techniques to enable them to continue learning within and beyond school, and in the future.

In order to achieve our ethos the school as developed a number of aims, which provide the underlying framework for our achievements.

These are:
  • To have a love of learning and an enquiring mind.
  • To be independent and confident learners who strive to do their best and reach their full potential.
  • To be able to rise to the challenges and persevere to see them through.
  • To be able to communicate effectively and work collaboratively on shared learning experiences.
  • To be able to make active choices to develop healthy minds and bodies.
  • To show respect and care for themselves, each other and the wider community.

We aim to achieve this through the provision of:
  • An innovative, stimulating and enjoyable curriculum relevant to the needs of all our children.
  • A broad range of indoor and outdoor learning experiences.
  • An enriching program of extra-curricular activities and visits.
  • High quality teaching and learning informed by continuous assessment.
  • A rich, varied range of up-to-date learning resources.
  • Opportunities to celebrate achievements within school and beyond.
  • A safe, supportive and caring learning environment in which mutual respect is shown and respected.
  • A high profile healthy eating and active lifestyle ethos.
  • Learning partnerships with parents, children and the wider community.
How do we celebrate these?

Our school values and ethos are celebrated across the school. We believe encouragement and praise are important for all pupils.

We aim to do this by:
  • Rewarding pupils with stickers for their sticker charts.
  • Rewarding pupils with stickers to wear.
  • Praise and encouragement from all members of staff.
  • Class marbles to reinforce whole class commitment and teamwork.
  • Certificates and medals for sporting, artist and academic achievements.
  • Termly school trips to encourage learning outside the classroom and to provide ‘Wow’ starters to our topics.
  • Exciting treats and activities during our specialist weeks.
  • Weekly pencils nominated by staff members to pupils who have shown a clear understanding of our school values and ethos.
  • ‘Star of the Week’ Assemblies every Friday.
  • ‘Star of the Year’ Assembly at the end of each academic year.

How do we promote them?

We believe the promotion of our school values and ethos is an integral part of making our school a success. When staff and pupils recognise and understand the values of our community, the entire school is able to move learning forward in a positive and supportive manner.

We aim to do this by:
  • Providing all members of staff with our Staff Handbook and Ethos and Values Handbook.
  • Ensuring all new members of staff have read both handbooks during their induction period.
  • Ensuring all classrooms have a ‘School Values’ poster visible to pupils and visitors.
  • Designing and maintaining a colourful ‘School Values’ display in the school hall for staff, pupils and visitors to enjoy.
  • Sharing work and photographs on our classroom and hallway display boards which promote our school values and ethos.
  • Celebrating pupil successes and achievements related to our school values and ethos during ‘Star of the Week’ assemblies.
  • Sharing our school values and ethos on our website and in our newsletters so parents can also recognise and promote.
Who should we speak to if things aren’t working out?

If you or other members of staff are unable to promote and support the school values and ethos, it is important to seek advice from the Learning Environment Co-ordinator (Miss A. Vaughan). They will give support and guidance to ensure our school values and ethos are not compromised.

Support will also be given to pupils who are unable to adhere to our school values and ethos. Please refer to the ‘Behaviour Handbook’.

What is the impact of our School Code and Ethos on the community?

By having a clear school code and ethos, staff and pupils are able to teach and learn in a supportive, hard-working and stimulating environment. Pupils and staff feel safe in their community and can grow together. Pupils can become responsible and hardworking learners, who feel confident and can use their initiative in school and in the wider world.