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‘Unlocking Potential’
We believe in unlocking potential for all our pupils and staff. This underpins everything that we do.
Assessment Rationale
Why do we assess?

Assessment is an essential element of good teaching and learning and here at Barleyhurst we use assessment for learning (AFL) as a tool for raising attainment and securing good progress for all pupils.

How do we assess?

Children are assessed on entry to the foundation stage using NFER tests in Maths and English. Assessments are then made throughout the year based on continuous observations which are recorded and then uploaded to Tapestry (an online recording tool which allows parents to track the progress of their child), which links directly to the different development stages and the Early Learning Goals.

Teachers use a range of assessment techniques including marking, testing, discussions with pupils, questioning to inform their judgement, verbal feedback and regular marking which is in line with the marking policy.

Judgements are recorded onto Sonar (an online tracking tool) whereby calculations are made to show where pupils are in relation to the expected standard.

An integral part of AFL is high quality feedback which allows pupils to know what they have achieved, but also what they can do to achieve further.

Pupils are assessed against the achievement statements which they can easily access, giving them information about the year’s targets, what they have achieved so far and the associated vocabulary.

Pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 will undertake National Curriculum tests, commonly referred to as SATs, towards the end of the year. The outcome of these are reported to parents.
Pupils in Year 1 undertake the Phonics Screening in June.
Pupils in Year 4 complete the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in June.

How is data reported?

At the end of each half term the data inputted into Sonar is collated and judgements on each child are made. Pupils will fall into one of the following categories for Maths, Reading and Writing-

Working at greater depth
Working at the expected level
Working towards the expected level
Working below the expected level

This data is then used to form a data pack which all teachers and governors receive. The pack includes percentages of pupils who are in each of the bandings described above, while also focusing on the key groups of pupils, such as pupils with SEN and Pupil Premium children.

On 3 occasions through the year, parents and carers will be provided with assessment information, either during a Parents' Evening or as part of a written report.

If you have any questions, or would like more detailed information, please see our Assessment Policy, or contact the school.