Thank you for your CIN donations, we raised a fabulous £168!


The Nursery children have P.E with our sports coach with Martin each week, learning new skills and turn taking. The children loved being outside learning on the school field. 
The children used pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed to make our own bird feeders for our Nursery garden. The children carefully used plastic knives to spread the peanut butter and then rolled it in bird seed. We are waiting to see more birds in our garden. 
The children in Nursery made their own pizza snack. They had to listen really carefully to the adult's instructions to make the dough, spread the sauce over the base and sprinkle the cheese on the top. We baked the pizza for around 10 minutes, just in time for snack. 
In our specialist pirate stories week the children took part in lots of fun activities. We shared pirate stories in the hall with a breakfast, had a treasure hunt, learnt pirate songs, ate a pirate snack, made treasure maps and listened to the author Peter Bently read his pirate stories.  
As part of our Bonfire Night celebrations the children made pastry sparklers. They had to listen really carefully to the adult's instructions. We followed a recipe to make pastry and then once they were cooked we made icing and covered our pastry with the icing and sprinkles. It was a yummy snack.  
The children have been talking about our change of season, Autumn. We thought about how the outside looks different, our clothes change, what wildlife do and harvest time. The children peeled and chopped up the vegetables to create their own soup. It was delicious.! We had it for snack. 
In December our school had some special visitors.....Reindeers. The children spent 30 minutes looking at the reindeers, stroking them and listening really carefully to the farmer tell us about what they eat, where they live and how they help Father Christmas every Christmas Eve. 
This half we have been thinking about the season Autumn. The children went on a autumn walk around our school, looking for the changes of season. We also got busy sweeping up leaves and then printing with them. We mixed paint to create autumnal colours to then roll conkers in. Come and see what else we got up too!
As part of our specialist dinosaur reading week we had a visit from the author Christian Darkin who shared some of the stories he had written. We also cleaned, drew, painted and played with dinosaurs. We used the story That's not my dinosaur  as a stimulus to create our own ideas verbally. Come and have a look at our roarsome time.  
In nursery we have been thinking about the different celebrations that we might experience at home with our family. Diwali, Harvest Festival and  Bonfire night are full of colour, light and music. The children explored colour, sound and shape through a variety of activities which they really enjoyed engaging in. 
In nursery the children are encouraged to prepare snack and bake. We measure, stir, chop, mix, peel and roll to prepare the food and ingredients. Some of our favourites were our owl biscuits and pastry sparklers. 
Mr Madeley is a Daddy at our school who helps us. He drives a bus, taking people where they need to go, One morning Mr Madeley took the nursery class on a bus ride around Milton Keynes. We saw the shopping centre, the library and lots of other familiar buildings. We loved our ride. Thank you Mr Madeley.
Jacob's Dad Mr Murphy is someone who helps us. He is a Policeman. He spent the morning with us, showing us his uniform and police van. It was so fun to try on the clothes and sit in the van. Thank you Mr Murphy.
Karen is a volunteer for the charity, Hearing dogs. She is training her dog Pedro to help people who can't hear. We learnt about what Pedro does and how Karen looks after him. 
We have shared the familiar story, The little red hen in nursery. We used the repeated phrases to retell the story. Just like the character the little red hen we made bread.
In P.E we have been practising our throwing and catching skills with small balls. The children had to also negotiate space when finding a spot to stand on. We remembered our 'fruit bowl' hands every time we caught the ball.