Thank you for your CIN donations, we raised a fabulous £168!

School Council


School Council



Within our school curriculum, one of the key areas making up the ‘Learning for Life and Work’ theme, is active participation. The curriculum requires that young people are provided with opportunities to participate in school and society. Our school council is an excellent way in which we can teach children about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.

Our school council is a group of children who act as representatives for their classmates in discussing school issues with school staff, including the Head Teacher. It’s a brilliant way of representing and contributing to pupil voice and having an impact within our school. The children are elected to embody the views of all pupils across many different topics of discussion, as well as working hard to improve our school and the facilities it offers. The school council help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support the children’s learning and development, such as organising charity days, representing the school at various events or ensuring the school is as environmentally friendly as possible.

Our school council meet on a regular basis and discuss a variety of different hot topics, including items such as school lunchtimes, rewards or ideas for fundraising events to support different charities. Our school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas which have been agreed upon, such as planning discos, shopping for plants or improving play equipment.


Please meet our school council.

You said....We did..
The School Council have been very busy over the last couple of terms
  • The School Council have helped advertise and organise a number of charity events. For Children in Need we made a large Pudsey face out of the 1p and 2p coins that the children had donated. For Comic Relief we wore red and set a challenge of trying to raise over £100...which we did. The School Council suggested we had an extra whole school playtime to celebrate.
  • The children wrote a letter to Mrs Smith the school headteacher asking for money to improve our outdoor environment with new flowers and shrubs. After reading our letters she agreed to giving us some money to spend at a local garden centre.
  • The School council helped to advertise our school Harvest Festival food collection and Christmas Fayre. The children created posters which were displayed around our school asking for donations to our local food bank and 'bottles' for our Christmas tombola.
  • The children helped Mrs Wolfe create our own talent show- 'Barleyhurst's got talent'. They planned, advertised and ran the talent show which was a wonderful whole school event, celebrating all our hidden talents.